Vaping Guide
Thanks to technology advancements, vaporizers are now cheaper and more advanced than ever. But for new vapers, the abundance of devices and types of vaporizers can be confusing and overwhelming. In this article, we’ll explain what are vaporizers, how do they work, and which types are available. So you can make an educated decision on which vape is right for your needs.
The two main types of Cannabis Vaporizers
There are two main types of Cannabis Vaporizers- Dry herb vapes, and Extract vapes. There are many subcategories, and vapes come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, as well as features and functionality. But all weed vaporizers fall into one of the two categories- Dry herb & Extract vaporizers.

Dry Herb Vaporizers
Dry herb vaporizers are usually portable, handheld devices, that use a small oven to heat up the raw, dry herb and extract THC in the form of inhalable vapor. These vapes usually have a short heat up time of 20-40 seconds, then they reach vaporization temperature which is around 380 degrees Fahrenheit, and they stay there for a “session” that lasts a few minutes. During the session, the user can inhale the vapor, and at the end of the session, the herb is “cashed” and will need to be replaced. Generally, one oven equals one session, and the same herb cannot be used for multiple sessions.
Extracts Vaporizers
The second type of Cannabis vaporizers is Extract vapes. Dispensaries around the US sell Cannabis Extracts in a variety of forms. Extract vaporizers require less power than dry herb vaporizers. Therefore they are much smaller and usually resemble pens, not surprisingly, they are often referred to as “vape pens.” Cannabis extracts can come in two primary forms or consistencies- Oil and Wax.
Wax/ Dab: Cannabis wax comes in a semi-solid form, that can look like crumbles or sticky wax- also known as dabs. The wax is placed in a “coil” that is connected to the battery and heats up very quickly.
Oil Vape Pens: Cannabis oil usually comes in prefilled cartridges, that can be connected to the vape pen and used instantly.
How do Vaporizers work?

Most Vaporizers have a few basic components in common – A battery, a heating element, and a mouthpiece.
The battery supplies energy to heat the material in the heating element to vaporization temperature. The temperature is high enough to vaporize the material, but not to burn it.
The user can inhale the Vapor, and enjoy the active ingredients of the substance, without burning them. The vapor produced by a vaporizer is not smoke. It’s generally considered as a healthier alternative to smoke, and it also smells better and quickly dissipates into the air.

I think Cannabis Vaping is for me, how do I get started?
You're on this page, which is a great place to start. The first thing you need to decide is which type of vaporizer is right for you- Dry herb, or extract.
Now, keep in mind that extracts are only available in legal states, so if you don't live in a state where cannabis extracts are legally and easily available, extract vaping is off the table.
For most new users, we suggest starting out with a portable dry herb vaporizer. The benefits of a good portable vaping device can be life-changing for some.
You can check out our favorite-
- Dry herb vaporizers
- Wax/ Dab Pens
- 510 Batteries (for oil cartridges)
- View current coupon codes for popular vaporizer stores
- Signup to our newsletter to get a monthly roundup of new products and vaping tips
Still lost? Here are some other helpful resources to learn more about vaping
- Vaporizer (inhalation device)– Wikipedia
- Cannabis Smoking– Wikipedia
- “Acute Effects of Smoked and Vaporized Cannabis in Healthy Adults Who Infrequently Use Cannabis.”– Jama Network
- “Experiences of marijuana-vaporizer users.”–