What are e-Nails?

E-nails are heating elements that connect to traditional rigs or water bubblers, and vaporizer concentrate (aka dabs) to create vapor (instead of smoke) that can be inhaled by the user.

Traditionally, nails in dabbing setups were heated using torches, often leading to inconsistent heating and a risk of burns. E-Nails address this issue by providing a digitally controlled heating element. This electronic system allows users to control the temperature of the nail precisely, ensuring a consistent and safe experience.

This setup eliminates the guesswork and inconsistency of manual heating methods. e-Nails can be used with traditional rigs and water pipes, making them a versatile and flexible dabbing device.

Related: Best e-Nail of 2024

Beginners beware- advanced use

E-nails are not meant for beginner wax vapers for many reasons. For one, they produce very intense vapor, which might be too much for newbie vapers to handle.

They are also more complex to use than vape pens or other concentrate vaporizers since they have several components that require some assembly.

Unlike traditional methods of heating, which are relatively straightforward, eNails require a certain level of knowledge and skill to use safely and effectively.

New wax vapers are better off starting with vape pens since they are the easiest wax devices to use.

E-Nails VS traditional Nails

  • Temperature Control
    • e-Nails: Precise digital control.
    • Traditional Nails: Manual estimation, no digital control.
  • Heating Consistency
    • e-Nails: Consistently heated, better flavor and efficiency.
    • Traditional Nails: Inconsistent heating, can vary between uses.
  • Safety Concerns
    • e-Nails: Safer, no open flame involved.
    • Traditional Nails: Higher risk of burns from torch use.
  • Cost & budget
    • e-Nails: More expensive.
    • Traditional Nails: More affordable.

E-nails have a lot of advantages over traditional nails, the main one being a more controlled and consistent experience. Traditional nails require the use of a blowtorch to heat the nail and vaporize the wax. E-nails also allow you to calibrate the temperature more precisely, which is something that isn’t possible with a blowtorch. E-nails also take up less space than a rig and torch setup. The only real advantage traditional nails have is that the blowtorch allows them to reach higher maximum temperatures than e-nails. However, that is only an advantage for hardcore users who like really intense vapor.

eNails vs. eRigs

  • Primary Function
    • e-Nails: Designed as an attachment for existing water pipes or rigs.
    • e-Rigs: All-in-one devices, combining the nail, water pipe, and heating element.
  • Portability
    • e-Nails: Less portable, usually used as an add-on to a stationary setup.
    • e-Rigs: More portable, designed for on-the-go use with integrated components.
  • Ease of Use
    • e-Nails: Require setup with an existing rig, slightly more complex.
    • e-Rigs: Generally easier to use with simple, integrated controls.
  • Temperature Control
    • Both devices can have precise control or presets.
  • Customization
    • e-Nails: Allow for more customization in terms of rigs and water pipes.
    • e-Rigs: Limited customization, as they are self-contained units.
  • Initial Investment
    • e-Nails: Can be more cost-effective if the user already owns a compatible rig.
    • e-Rigs: Higher initial cost but includes all necessary components.
  • Target Audience
    • e-Nails: Suited for enthusiasts who already own rigs and seek to electrify their setup.
    • e-Rigs: Ideal for beginners or those seeking convenience and portability.

Coil types

Ceramic coils are renowned for their exceptional heat retention. They heat up a bit slower than quartz but maintain the temperature longer, which means a more consistent temperature during use. Ceramic is also favored for its purity as it doesn’t impart any additional flavor to the vapor, ensuring a clean and authentic taste.

However, ceramic’s durability can be a concern, as it is more prone to cracking or breaking under rapid temperature changes or if dropped.

On the other hand, Quartz coils are prized for their rapid heat-up time, offering almost instant vapor production. Quartz also has a high purity level, providing a clean taste similar to ceramic. The material’s resilience to temperature changes is another plus, making it less prone to damage compared to ceramic.

However, quartz’s heat retention is shorter, meaning the temperature can fluctuate more during use, which might affect the consistency of the vaporization.

The choice between ceramic and quartz coils in e-Nails largely depends on personal preferences and priorities. If you value long-lasting heat and flavor purity, ceramic is a great choice. If you prefer quick heating and durability, quartz might be more suitable. Each material offers a unique combination of benefits that cater to different styles and expectations of vaping experiences.

What is the best temp for dabbing?

Dabbing or vaporizing concentrate can generally be classified into three types-

  • Low-temp dab (350°F – 450°F) – You get a lot of flavor at this temperature, but the vapor is not that dense, and it takes longer to feel the effects of the THC. Hits in this temperature range are smooth and easy on the lungs, making it the ideal range for beginners.
  • Medium-temp dab (450°F – 550°F) – This temperature range gives vapers a good balance of flavor and intensity. At this temperature level, water filtration is optional but recommended.
  • High-temp dab (550°F – 900°F) – This range is all about intensity. The vapor is hot and harsh even with the water bubbler to cool it down. Plus, the effects of the THC come on faster, though the flavor is the weakest in this range.

My personal preference is Low-temp. Use it with a solventless extract such as live rosin, and you’ll experience the best flavor you ever got out of the plant.


E-nails, especially when attached to a bubbler, aren’t exactly portable. Plus, they also the fact that they consist of several different components that need to be assembled.

All of those factors prevent them from being travel-friendly devices, such as all-in-one dab rigs. With that said, some are pretty sleek and include a carry case for easy traveling.

Recommended accessories

Cotton Swabs- After each session, most of the concentrate is vaporized, but some residue is left in the chamber. It usually has a dark color, depending on your concentrate type and temp settings. Leaving this residue and letting it cool down is the quickest way to destroy your coil. Plus, this residue will contaminate the flavor of your next session. Use these glob mops to clean up and excess oils from your chamber at the end of each session.

A hot knife- Placing a sticky concentrate in the center of the chamber using a regular dab tool can be a lot more challenging than you might think. A hot knife has a Ceramic tip that heats up and melts the dabs on demand, making loading mess-free with no wastage.


  • Where can I buy the THC Dabs/Wax?

    You can buy them at online head shops and dispensaries in states where marijuana has been legalized.

  • What is dabbing?

    The small amount of wax that is placed in the nail is called a dab, so dabbing is the act of placing the dab into the nail. However, many people use the term as a shorthand for using a dab rig, e-nail, or portable dab rig in general.

  • What is the ideal dabbing temperature?

    There are low-temperature dabs, medium-temperature dabs, and high-temperature dabs. The one you choose depends on the effect you want and your level of experience.

  • How do I use an e-nail?

    Using an e-nail is easy since they all share the same general design. First, you pour some water into the bubbler and connect the eNail, then you place a dab into the nail, turn on the power and select a temperature. Once it reaches the selected temperature, place the carb cap over the nail and inhale from the bubbler.

  • Are e-nails a better way to vape wax than vape pens?

    They are the most intense way to vape wax, and they tend to offer a lot more customization than vape pens do. However, they are not very portable and take a while to set up. So, the answer comes down to what you want from a wax vaporizer: the portability and convenience of vape pens or the customization and intensity of e-nails.

  • Which nail material is the best?

    It comes down to personal preference, but most people prefer quartz or ceramic nails because they do not affect the flavor of the vapor. Titanium nails tend to leave a metallic aftertaste that most vapers find unpleasant.

  • Can I use an e-nail without putting water in the bubbler?

    You can, but that is not advised. Most e-nails can heat the wax to 600° and higher, which means that the vapor produced is extremely hot. The water is needed to cool the vapor down. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable and unpalatable for users.

  • Should I get a regular e-nail or a portable dab rig?

    If you already have an existing rig and only want the “banger” part, get an eNail. If you’d like an all-in-one solution that has the bubbler plus the nail, that’s an eRig.