How To Use a Wax Vaporizer

Concentrate vaping might seem like an obscure and esoteric way of consuming marijuana to those more used to vaping weed, but it’s actually not that hard to get into. And once you do get into it, you are likely to stay into it because vaping wax offers its own unique pleasures that weed can’t provide. Fortunately, getting into wax vaping is easy, and the first thing you need is a wax vaporizer. There is a wide variety of ways to vape wax and if you don’t know which one is the right method for you, then keep reading this article to find out.

Wax Vaporizers

There are different types of Wax vaporizers- Vape Pens, Dab Rigs, E-nails, and Vapor cups.

Preparing The Wax

No matter what type of vaporizer you are using, the first step you need to take is to prepare the wax. Wax can come in many different forms; it can be brittle, it can be soft and pliable, and it can be like wax of course. Regardless of what form your wax takes, you need to take care of it in the same way. You should store your wax in an airtight glass or silicone jar because they both have non-stick surfaces, which makes removing the wax easier. They are also neutral materials, so you won’t have to worry about either of them contaminating the wax.

You should store your wax container in a cool, dark place because wax is susceptible to changes in light, temperature, and air supply, so it’s best to keep those qualities consistent. When it comes time to use the wax, you will need a dab tool to scoop it out of the container and into the vaporizer. Nearly every wax vaporizer includes a dab tool so you never really need to worry about getting one. However, you can always buy an extra one so that you never have to worry about losing the one included in the kit.

Temperature and Voltage Selection

Vape pens tend to have voltage settings rather than temperature settings, but in practice, they are roughly the same thing. That means higher voltage settings are concurrent with higher temperatures. Vape pens usually have three or four settings to choose from. Many e-nails have precise temperature selection so you can choose the exact temperature that you need. Some e-nails, like the Dr Dabber Boost (Review | Buy) have a temperature range rather than precise temperature control, but you will get precise control in most e-nails.

As for what temperature you should choose; if it’s your first time using an e-nail, then you should select a temperature in the 315°F to 450°F range. Portable dab rigs tend to have a selection of preset temperatures rather than granular temperature control. That is understandable since presets make them more accessible and easier to use, which is why people like portable rigs in the first place.

As you get acclimated to wax vaping, you can experiment with higher settings and eventually you will likely develop a preference for high or low-temperature dabbing. The main difference between the two is that low temperatures are better for flavor and high temps are better for vaping intensity and cloud production.

Related: What is the best temperature for dab vaporizer?

Loading Wax to the Coil

As stated earlier, there are three possible types of atomizers that vape pens can use. Most have one, but some include two. No matter what type of atomizer your vape pen uses, it is loaded the same way; you dab your wax onto the atomizer and then replace the mouthpiece. It should be noted that vape pens with quartz and ceramic coils are easier to load than those with quartz rod coils. So if you want to have an easier time, try a vape pen like the Puffco Plus that has a quartz coil. 

In the case of e-nails and portable rigs, you turn on the device, select a temperature, and then dab the wax once it has reached the selected temperature.

Important note: after each session you should mop your coils and every 10-20 sessions I recommend you do a “deep cleaning” as detailed here or in this cleaning guide from our friends at Tvape

Related: 7 ways how to clean your wax vaporizer?

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this comprehensive look at how to use oil and wax vaporizers clears things up for you. As you can see, neither of them is too complicated, though using wax is more complicated than using oil. That means oil is a simpler introduction to the world of extract vaping, though you don’t exactly need a PhD to get into wax vaping. As long as you have a supply of oil or wax, you won’t have any problems using a wax vaporizer.


  • How much wax should I load in the atomizer of a vape pen?

    Your dab of wax should be about the size of a rice grain, which is enough for a complete session.

  • What temperature should I dab at?

    With vape pens, you should always start out at the lowest voltage setting and then increase the voltage in subsequent sessions until you find the setting that is most comfortable for you. The same goes for portable dab rigs. As for e-nails, you should start out with a temperature in the 315°F to 450°F range. You can then increase the temp by about 100°F in your following sessions until you reach a temperature with which you are most comfortable. Eventually, you will learn if you have a preference for low or high temperature dabbing.

  • Are THC wax extracts and THC oil the same?

    They are both extracted from the marijuana plant but there are differences between them. THC extract is usually a solid or semisolid substance and tends to be more pure and more potent than THC oil. THC oil is a viscous liquid that is usually cut with other oils. That makes it a little less potent than waxy extracts and a good choice for anyone new to wax vaping.

  • How do I clean and maintain my wax vaporizer?

    Cleaning your wax vaporizer isn’t too difficult as long as you have the right tools. The atomizer or nail are the parts that need the most regular cleaning and you can use a cotton swab or q-tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol to do so. If dried up residue is too hard to clean using that method, then you can perform a burn off by cranking the device to its highest temperature for a few minutes. With e-nails and portable rigs, the bubbler is cleaned by swishing around some iso alcohol and then rinsing it out with warm water.

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