The Outrider is Rokin’s first dry herb vaporizer, geared towards beginners looking for a straightforward and affordable vape.
Rokin is a brand known for its budget 510 batteries and dab pens. The Outrider retails for $89.95 directly from Rokin. Use coupon code TVG15 for 15% off.
Design and features
The Outrider is a simple vaporizer that's easy to use and clean. It's small and sleek, with one button and four heat settings. The temperature display is on the side of the device, and there's a glass mouthpiece on top. It opens with a latch to expose its ceramic oven.
It features a 1200 mAh rechargeable Lithium Ion battery that is fast charging and employs a pure convection heating system; this means hot air produced externally travels in and around the dry herb, effectively vaporizing it and making more flavorful and distinct aromas.
Haptic feedback: communicates statuses such as “ready to vape.”.
Temperature settings: the ceramic chamber has four heat settings: red (374°F), orange (392°F), yellow (410°F), and white (428°F). The lower settings are better for flavor, while higher temperatures are for maximal extraction.
Battery life indicator: the Outrider features three battery life indicators; red is for 0-5%, green is for 5-50%, and blue is for 50% above.
Bottom Line
I like the small solo-size oven and how easy to use this vape. It’s a point-and-shoot vape. It’s appealing to beginners looking for a flower vape for under $100. Advanced users might want more features, and should check out our best dry herb vaporizers list.
General Specs
- Compatible: Dry Herb
- Released Date: Jun 2022
- Body Material: Aluminum
- Vibration Notification: Yes
- Mouthpiece Material: Glass
- Display Type: LED Indicators
- Warranty: 1 Year
Heating Element
- Oven Material: Ceramic
- Oven Capacity: 0.2gr grams
- Temperature Settings: 4 Levels
- Heating Method: Convection
- Battery Capacity: 1200mAh
- Overall Score: 3.6/5
Purchase Information
- MSRP: $89
- Coupon Code: TVG15
- Store: Visit Store